Saturday, August 22, 2015

I Dunno What to Call This One … Potato.


My final week in Obregon:

-On night while knocking on the door of a recent convert his neighbor was outside playing the guitar and singing. I tried to ignore it, because really it was like a romantic movie scene, which I do not have time for, but then I realized that he was playing and singing "I Did it My Way." Then I wanted to go give him a high five. I didn't, but I considered it.

-I was a bit dehydrated that week (only the beginning symptoms, and I'm fine now, so no worries) so I called the mission president's wife and she told me what medicines to take, as well as foods that I should eat and ones that were prohibited until I got better, which was pretty much everything delicious. On that list was "anything with dairy" and I all of the sudden understood what Brain Regan meant when he said "and no more happiness." Then when we went shopping, I went to the juice aisle with the juice people (and my companion) and watched the people in the dairy aisle with their party hats. (If you don't understand what I am saying, go look up Brian Regan on YouTube and watch his clips until you do.)

-Things I like about being an adult:

 I can eat chicken nuggets with my yogurt and pears if I want to, and no one can tell me no >:)

-I bought myself a hand fan. It is the best 22 pesos I have ever spent.

Also, it was really hard to say goodbye to friends here in Obregon (the first time I actually cried about transfers). I had to say goodbye to one of my besties, Hna Brown. We're cholas together. That is a very special bond. Also, she's from Baytown, TX, which was part of Ben's mission, so extra cool points there.

There were more sad goodbyes, like with my former companion Hermana Hernández, but I don't wanna talk about that, because it's sad.

This week in Guasave:

-I can't escape it: I am once again the English teacher. Funny story – I don’t know how to teach English. So I just make it up.

-After writing last week we bought ice cream cones and then got to work. We went to set up an appointment with someone and it turns out that they work in a gym so that's where we had to go to set it up. Guess who felt like a fatty eating ice cream while others were working on the elliptical.

-This has been another week of big spiders – I found one one night on the back area/patio and another one last night in the house. I took pictures but they are yicky so I won't send them. You’re welcome.

-While flipping through an old conference issue of the Liahona, I found this:

Guess who now wants to do family history more than ever (for those of you that don't know, my mom's maiden name is Wickman).

Other random notes: It's hot again. It rained today. I like spicy food. I successfully have avoided eating cow stomach three times this week. I pretty much want to read everything I can get my hands on. 

That's all for now.

Love you all!!

Hna Anderson

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